In case you’re new to the newsletter, or you simply want to revisit an old post, this is where all content will be linked as it’s released. It’s organized by sūrah number to help navigate the page. In shā’ Allah (If Allah wills) the goal is to one day have a post under every sūrah in the Quran!
If there is a sūrah listed without a link, that’s because it’s coming out in a future post or I’m still gathering research on that particular sūrah. The link will be added here when it’s released.
The first section is for extracts from the future Heavenly Order book I’m compiling.
The next section, Individual Suwar, is for structures found in individual suwar.
Then, Sūrah Pairs, is for structures that span two adjacent suwar.
And finally, the last section, Sūrah Groups, is for structures that span three or more suwar.
craaaaazy stuff, incredible!!!
keep going
Keep it up!