Sūrat az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake) is believed to be a Makkan sūrah, which heavily focuses on our inevitable resurrection and the presentation of our deeds. It highlights the shock and awe that will occur at the onset of Judgment Day. When viewed on its own, it appears that the sūrah forms a ring structure.1
Summarized another way, it may simply be seen as:
[A]/[A’] - The sūrah begins with the massive upheaval that will occur with regards to the Earth. It will shake so violently that mankind will ask in wonder, “What is wrong with it?!” The sūrah ends on a similar note, but this time mankind is in shock because of the precision and details that are being brought out with regards to their deeds. All deeds, not matter how small, will be presented for accounting.
[B] – At the center is the beginning of mankind’s judgment. We will be grouped based on our deeds in this life. A grouping which will be informed by what the Earth reveals of our actions while we dwelled on it.
And Allah ﷻ knows best.
Ali Khan, Nouman. “01. Az-Zalzalah (Ayah 1-8) - A Concise Commentary” Bayyinah TV, https://bayyinahtv.com/topics/1/categories/9/series/194/videos/1987