Last week we explored the macro-structuring of Sūrat Qāf (Qāf). However, upon further examination, it appears that there are mini-structures within shorter passages of the sūrah.
Ring Structure of Āyāt 1-4
[A]/[A’] – The passage begins with an oath by the “honored Quran,” a scripture preserved for all time. The end mentions a “retaining record” which stays with Allah ﷻ. That written record immortalizes all the actions of creation for all time.
[B]/[B’] – The disbelievers are in wonder that a warner emerges from among themselves (min-hum), which Allah ﷻ nicely pairs with His reminder that He knows what the earth takes from them (min-hum) in terms of their life. A contrast between the doubt they have about what they can see in front of them versus the certainty they have about a matter that occurs in the unknown future.
[C]/[C’] – The passage centers on an interesting juxtaposition. The disbelievers say that, “this (hādhā) [claim of resurrection] is an amazing thing,” and go as far as to say, “that (dhālika) is a distant return.” They deny the present and the future.
Parallel Structure of Āyāt 5-15
[D]/[D’] – The disbelievers “denied (kadhdhabū),” but the Messenger ﷺ is reassured that it is not his fault as the corresponding section highlights the denial (kadhdhabat/khadhdhaba) of the previous nations of their messengers.
[E]/[E’] – The “Truth (al-Ḥaqq)” was denied by disbelievers; therefore, Allah’s threat was “truly (ḥaqqa)” fulfilled upon them.
[F]/[F’] – The disbelievers are in a “confused” state concerning the resurrection. In the connected section, Allah ﷻ argues that their denial of Him having created the “first creation” is a part of the reason for their “confusion.”
[G]/[G’] – Allah ﷻ points towards His many creations and asks us to reflect on them. The “heaven above” and how He “structured it and adorned it,” the “earth” and how He “spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains,” and “made to grow” different kinds of plants. All this should lead us to understand that Allah ﷻ can give “life thereby to a dead land. Thus is the resurrection.” The complementary section tells us that the disbelievers are confused about a “new creation” (i.e., resurrection), which the early passage already showed should be undeniable for anyone who reflects on the natural world.
Ring Structure of Āyāt 16-18
[H]/[H’] – Allah ﷻ knowing what “[man’s] soul whispers to him,” pairs with the “observer” Allah ﷻ assigns each person who records all that we say, down to each word.
[I]/[I’] – Allah ﷻ reminds us that He is “closer to [us] than [our] jugular vein,” and that the “receivers” are “seated on the right and on the left.” Allah ﷻ surrounds us with His awareness and observations.
Parallel Structure of Āyāt 19-22
[J]/[J’] – Both the throes of death and every soul “will come” to every being and to Allah ﷻ, respectively.
[K]/[K’] – Mankind tries “to avoid” death, but will eventually be brought out for “the Day” of accounting. They will then be told that they were “heedless” of the day they were previously trying to avoid. But on “this Day,” they will see their judgment with full clarity.
Ring Structure of Āyāt 23-27
[L]/[L’] – The outside sections contrast the angel “companion (qarīn)” with the devil “companion (qarīn).”
[M]/[M’] – Twice the disbeliever will be told to be thrown (alqiyā) into Hell.
Parallel Structure of Āyāt 28-29
[N]/[N’] – Allah ﷻ will command us to not dispute “in My presence (ladayya)” because His word will not be changed “in My presence (ladayya).”
[O]/[O’] – Allah ﷻ warned us while we were alive in this life, therefore His judgment will not be unjust on the Day of Resurrection.
Ring Structure of Āyāt 30-35
[P]/[P’] – The “more (mazīd)” asked for by Hell is contrasted with the “more (mazīd)” the inhabitants of Paradise will have.
[Q]/[Q’] – Paradise will be brought right up to the believers, wherein they will be allowed to enter without issue.
[R]/[R’] – The “returner (‘awwāb) [to Allah]” is described as one with a heart that is likewise “returning (munīb) [in repentance].” The Arabic for the word “return” is from the same root letters in both cases.
Ring Structure of Āyāt 36-45
[S]/[S’] – The showcasing of Allah’s destructive power should serve as a warning and threat to those who consider the ruins of past nations.
[T]/[T’] – The previous āyāt serve as a “reminder (dhirkrā),” just as the Quran, as a whole, is commanded to be used to “remind (dhakkir).”
[U]/[U’] – Both the creation of the heavens and the earth, as well as the resurrection are easy for Allah ﷻ. Neither cause Allah ﷻ any form of difficulty or tiredness. Additionally, the Messenger ﷺ is told to be patient concerning “what they say (mā yaqūlūna).” Allah ﷻ assures the Messenger ﷺ that He understands the distress he’s feeling since He is most knowing of “what they say (mā yaqūlūna).”
[V]/[V’] – The center is a summary of the “Day of Emergence.” Allah ﷻ gives us life, causes us to die, and later gathers us to Him at an appointed destination.
Thus concludes the micro-structuring of Sūrat Qāf. Interestingly, there has been an alternative proposal for the ring structuring of āyāt 17-29.1
Alternative Ring Structuring of Āyāt 17-29
[W]/[W’] – [W] depicts the fact that not a single word will remain unrecorded, and [W’] says the word will not be changed.
[X]/[X’] – In the beginning of the sūrah, we were warned about death and how we had been heedless of it, and on the Day of Judgment the covers will be removed and the heedless will see. In [X] death comes to us, and in [X’] we are told that no one will be able to argue in front of Allah ﷻ as the warning already came before death.
[Y]/[Y’] – In the middle are the statements of the qarīn (close companion). On the one hand he will advocate for you to go to Hell, and on the other, there is a qarīn that goes to Hell himself.
And Allah ﷻ knows best.
Ali Khan, Nouman. “Heavenly Order - Lesson 14_ Title_ Structural Coherence of Surah Qaf” Bayyinah TV, https://bayyinahtv.com/topics/1/categories/1/series/28/videos/548