And with regards to your analysis of that passage of Waqiah, I really like it! Cool reflections there. I wouldn't have thought to break it down like that.
Walaykum as-Salaam! Barak Allah feek! Very nice of you to say that. As a fellow Dream alum, here's my advice for you:
Sign up for this class and review! I used to teach this class, but my friend who took over is may more qualified. The good news for you, and why I recommend it, is because the curriculum is just an updated version of the Dream Program! I got permission from Ustadh NAK and used their word docs to make the books for this IOK program. They also have the different levels (Arabic 2 and 3) if you feel Arabic 1 would be too basic for you.
I made this hurriedly (15-30 minutes). There are also inside parallelism between two mirrored sections which I didn't write (like jahiliyyah tabarruj in F and hijab in F') . You probably already noticed what I found but am going to put it anyway.
A. don't follow kuffar and munafiq v1
B.follow his wahy and trust him v2-3
C. good conduct v4-6
D. covenant from prophets (like musa) v7-8
E. battle with disbelievers and betrayal of hypocrites v9-27
If this is what you can find in "15-30 min" I can only imagine what else you'd discover given more time! This is great!
Please give yourself more credit. I actually hadn't looked at Sūrah al-Aḥzāb before, so this saves me a great deal of trouble! I'll be sure to credit you once I am able to compile this into a post :)
In the future, if you have more structures/comments to share, feel free to email me directly at (I put the space on purpose to protect from bots)
mini ring structure inside section E (battle against disbelievers, it shouldn't be hypocrites, made a mistake):
v9-11: disbelievers attack. the believers terrified (heart is mentioned)
v12-20: a)hypocrites think promise of Allah and messenger is delusion
b)hypocrites fleeing despite their covenant to Allah
v21: good example in the prophet
v22-24: a)believers seeing the promise of Allah and messenger being true
b)believes trying to fulfill the covenant even by death in battle
v25-27: Allah averted attack of disbelievers. they are terrified in their hearts
Parallelism in section C and C':
Allah tells the truth in C and believers are told to tell the truth in C' (different words for truth is used, I don't know the significance)
parallelism in section F and F':
F: Allah wants purify household/wives of prophet (pbuh)
F': that is pure for their (wives of prophet) hearts
F: avoid tabarruj of jahiliyyah
F': Muslims are told to ask the wives of prophet from behind veil and also commandment of veiling came
parallelism in G and G' (not as sharp as the previous parallelisms I wrote):
G:The believers have to follow the decree of Allah (context is regarding marriage)
G': if you (believers marry and divorce....)
F: the marriage of prophet to zainab
F': regarding who he can marry
also linear coherency can be seen despite ring structure like how you have v43 mentioning Allah blessing us to bring us from darkness to light and then v46 mentioning how Allah sent his prophet as light
Also I don't need credit. I didn't even work hard. its just that the coherency of Quran is obvious at first sight (and much more can be found if one spends time in it)
craaaaazy stuff, incredible!!!
keep going
Keep it up!
This work is amazing mashAllah! May Allah bless your efforts. If you have any advice for a Dream alum please do share.
Also, what are your thoughts on this analysis of Waqiah? It isn’t the whole surah, but this passage’s potential structure really stood out to me.
And with regards to your analysis of that passage of Waqiah, I really like it! Cool reflections there. I wouldn't have thought to break it down like that.
Walaykum as-Salaam! Barak Allah feek! Very nice of you to say that. As a fellow Dream alum, here's my advice for you:
Sign up for this class and review! I used to teach this class, but my friend who took over is may more qualified. The good news for you, and why I recommend it, is because the curriculum is just an updated version of the Dream Program! I got permission from Ustadh NAK and used their word docs to make the books for this IOK program. They also have the different levels (Arabic 2 and 3) if you feel Arabic 1 would be too basic for you.
Jazak Allahu khair I will check this out!
Where's Surah 26
I don't have any research on that Surah so i didn't list it.
I only list suwar I have research to report on.
Dear Heavenly Order, I am sure surat 87 is Surah Al A'la not Al Mutafifin right?
Yes, good catch! I had Mutaffifin repeated for some reason. Thanks :)
what about surah Al A'la? will it be available soon?
I havent written it up yet, but since you're asking for it, I'll prioritize it as the next post I schedule. Should come out mid-March insha'Allah
syukron.. jazakumullahu khayran katsira
I made this hurriedly (15-30 minutes). There are also inside parallelism between two mirrored sections which I didn't write (like jahiliyyah tabarruj in F and hijab in F') . You probably already noticed what I found but am going to put it anyway.
A. don't follow kuffar and munafiq v1
B.follow his wahy and trust him v2-3
C. good conduct v4-6
D. covenant from prophets (like musa) v7-8
E. battle with disbelievers and betrayal of hypocrites v9-27
F. prophet's family 28-35
G. about marriage 36-37
I. seal of prophets 38-40
X. Worship Allah and believers in jannah 41-44
I. prophet is witness.... 45-48
G. about marriage 49-52
F. prophet's family 53-59
E. disbelivers and hypocrites in hereafter v60-68
D. don't be like insulter of musa v69
C. speak truly/fairly v70-71
B. mankind decided to bear his amanah v72
A. Allah will punish munafiq and mushrik v73
And it's surah ahzab
If this is what you can find in "15-30 min" I can only imagine what else you'd discover given more time! This is great!
Please give yourself more credit. I actually hadn't looked at Sūrah al-Aḥzāb before, so this saves me a great deal of trouble! I'll be sure to credit you once I am able to compile this into a post :)
In the future, if you have more structures/comments to share, feel free to email me directly at (I put the space on purpose to protect from bots)
Bārak Allah fīk!
And if you can, please share those parallelisms with me!
mini ring structure inside section E (battle against disbelievers, it shouldn't be hypocrites, made a mistake):
v9-11: disbelievers attack. the believers terrified (heart is mentioned)
v12-20: a)hypocrites think promise of Allah and messenger is delusion
b)hypocrites fleeing despite their covenant to Allah
v21: good example in the prophet
v22-24: a)believers seeing the promise of Allah and messenger being true
b)believes trying to fulfill the covenant even by death in battle
v25-27: Allah averted attack of disbelievers. they are terrified in their hearts
Parallelism in section C and C':
Allah tells the truth in C and believers are told to tell the truth in C' (different words for truth is used, I don't know the significance)
parallelism in section F and F':
F: Allah wants purify household/wives of prophet (pbuh)
F': that is pure for their (wives of prophet) hearts
F: avoid tabarruj of jahiliyyah
F': Muslims are told to ask the wives of prophet from behind veil and also commandment of veiling came
parallelism in G and G' (not as sharp as the previous parallelisms I wrote):
G:The believers have to follow the decree of Allah (context is regarding marriage)
G': if you (believers marry and divorce....)
F: the marriage of prophet to zainab
F': regarding who he can marry
also linear coherency can be seen despite ring structure like how you have v43 mentioning Allah blessing us to bring us from darkness to light and then v46 mentioning how Allah sent his prophet as light
Also I don't need credit. I didn't even work hard. its just that the coherency of Quran is obvious at first sight (and much more can be found if one spends time in it)
mini ring in F':
v53-55: about hijab
v56: salat and salam on prophet
v57-58: those who annoy Allah, him and believers
v59: commandment of hijab