Sūrat aṭ-Ṭalāq (Divorce), as the title suggests, focuses on the rules and regulations surrounding divorce and concludes reminding the audience of how past nations were taken to account. This creates a subtle connection between justice in the household and harmony in the world. There is also a heavy emphasis for us to be conscious of Allah ﷻ which permeates the entire sūrah.
When observed holistically, it appears the sūrah forms a parallel structure.
[A]/[A’] – The first half briefly mentions that when one divorces, they should “keep the count,” but does not go into detail. The second half goes into further details, outlining the different time periods for women depending on what stage they are at. And, like most passages throughout this sūrah, both sections end imploring us to have taqwā Allāh (Consciousness of Allah ﷻ).
[B]/[B’] – The next rule Allah ﷻ gives is to not expel the divorcee from the home except in extreme circumstances. Similarly, the corresponding section commands men to house the divorcee out of their means.
[C]/[C’] – Again, the first half of the sūrah mentions something in brief which gets elaborated on in the second half. In this case, Allah ﷻ simply states to keep or divorce women in a proper way, but not many details are added. Later, Allah ﷻ informs us of the proper way to divorce; do not harm them, if they are pregnant then spend on them until birth, if they breastfeed then pay them from what Allah ﷻ has provided you. All this to ensure that one does not “constrict” (i.e., oppress) upon the divorcee.
[D]/[D’] – Both sections give multiple commands to be mindful of Allah ﷻ and make mention of belief and faith as a means of attaining reward. In the earlier half, Allah ﷻ links belief and God-consciousness to receiving relief and being provided (yarzuq) for through means we could never imagine. In the later half, He says in a similar vein, “he whose provision is restricted - let him spend from what Allah has given him… Allah will bring about, after hardship, ease.” And, “And whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness - He will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow to abide therein forever. Allah will have perfected for him a provision (rizq).”
[E]/[E’] – Both halves end emphasizing how Allah ﷻ is enough for us since He is in complete control. “He will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.” And, “It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the like of them. [His] command descends among them so you may know that Allah is over all things competent and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge.”
It has also been observed that the sūrah can be broken up into smaller symmetrical structures.1 The first portion can be organized into a ring structure with parallels found in the outer sections.
Delving into Section [F] deeper, we find another ring structure, again with parallels between outer rings.
The next section of the sūrah can be observed as a parallel between āyāt 8-10 and āyah 11.
The last āyah of the sūrah is argued to be a ring structure.
And Allah ﷻ knows best.
Kiradoh, S. [@suudkiradoh]. (2024, May). An illustration of an attempt to show the divine order & organization of Surah 65: The Divorce [Five images showcasing the organization of Sūrat aṭ-Ṭalāq]. Instagram.
Beautifully written and organized !
There are a few grammatical mistakes. You might want to review it again. Jazaakum Allaahu Khayran.