Sūrah an-Naṣr (The Great Help) is a very short sūrah that occurs towards the end of the Quran’s compiled order. Some scholars argue it is the last complete sūrah that was revealed to the Messenger ﷺ (as opposed to the individual āyāt that may have been revealed after). As such, it discusses the Messenger’s victory over the disbelievers of Arabia and the consequences of what Allah’s help entails.
When the contents are observed more closely, it appears that the sūrah forms a simple ring structure:
[A]/[A’] - The beginning of the sūrah reminds the Messenger ﷺ of the help and victory he was given by Allah ﷻ, which correlates with the ending exhorting the Messenger ﷺ to turn back to Allah ﷻ in worship. The pairing of a gift from Allah ﷻ with an enjoinment to worship is a recurring motif throughout the Quran (most famously in linear flow of Sūrah al-Kawthar). The message is clear; the way we show gratitude to Allah ﷻ is by increasing in our worship and obedience of Him.
[B] - At the center of this sūrah appears to be the final piece of this formula. When Muslims express gratitude through our worship and obedience, then Allah ﷻ allows the religion to spread as a result. And the linear flow of the sūrah would dictate that if we see Islam spreading, then we should again express gratitude through worship, thus creating a positive feedback loop of aid, victory and devotion to Allah ﷻ. This is most easily seen in the dispersion of the message of Islam in the first few generations after the Messenger’s death.
والله أعلم - And Allah knows best
Personal notes and research