Survey: Starting a new substack for Quran Gems
I need your input to help me decide how best to move forward with this
As-Salām ʿalaykum,
I need your help. I have a huge document of “Quran Gems” I’ve been building up for years now, and I wanted to begin sharing them. These would be relatively short posts highlighting the nuance of Allah’s word choice in the Quran. It would demonstrate things like:
Why does He use synonyms in distinct manners?
Why did the word order change between two similar āyāt?
Why did He omit a word here and add one there in similar āyāt?
The point would be to help an English speaking audience get a taste for what makes the Quran amazing and a one-of-a-kind piece of Arabic literature.
My question is, would you mind if it became a part of this same substack? I was thinking of publishing it weekly on Mondays. So Quran Gem Mondays, Heavenly Order Fridays.
Or, is this not something you signed up for, therefore, you’d rather it was a separate email list that others can sign up for if interested?
Please vote below to help me make a decision.
And I’ll leave you with one a friend of mine helped get animated. They won’t all get this amazing treatment, but it’s nice that they are beginning to be animated like this to make it easier to visualize. Future ones have an actual reciter for the āyāt so, in shā’ Allah, the quality will only improve.
Thank you for the feedback!