I noticed that you published my alternative version and you mentioned me above while explaining it.
Thank you so much for giving credit! I will inshallah get purchase your book and inshallah if you can credit me again with my full last name, then it will make my parents very happy inshallah! :)
But I am happy that you will also publish your original version as it is illuminating as well.
I want to comment how important your rendering is of the following excerpt that I am putting in quotation marks:
"Section B/B’
Following the declaration of monotheism, Allah ﷻ informs us that He is needed by all, while at the same time, needing no one else [B]. Unlike Allah ﷻ, all of creation can never be equal to Him with our deficiencies and needs [B’]."
I want to say that your interpretation is critically essential to share since many philosophers whether Muslim or Non-Muslim think that the greatest proof for God is the Argument from Contingency...it is explained in this link below aired just two months ago by the Islamic scholar Shaykh Hamza Karamali and Shaykh Karamali refers to As-Samad meaning "besought by all"...and thus whom all are dependent on as one of the key verses in the Quran referring to this particular proof for the existence of God.
Please see this illuminating and iman boosting talk when you can in the link here:
Shaykh Karamali explains clearly and simply in the link above how an infinite regress is impossible when dealing with dependencies without one supplying what is needed to all the elements in the chain.
So, thanks for highlighting the point that Shaykh Karamali is making with your rendering....
Since the proof of the existence of God is so paramount, if you have time in your book, brother Munir, please consider to include this explanation to support the rendering in your book that you do for B/B' in terms of As-Samad as how Allah is needed by every thing while He needs nothing.
Salam Munir!
Sorry, I had missed following your website.
I noticed that you published my alternative version and you mentioned me above while explaining it.
Thank you so much for giving credit! I will inshallah get purchase your book and inshallah if you can credit me again with my full last name, then it will make my parents very happy inshallah! :)
But I am happy that you will also publish your original version as it is illuminating as well.
I want to comment how important your rendering is of the following excerpt that I am putting in quotation marks:
"Section B/B’
Following the declaration of monotheism, Allah ﷻ informs us that He is needed by all, while at the same time, needing no one else [B]. Unlike Allah ﷻ, all of creation can never be equal to Him with our deficiencies and needs [B’]."
I want to say that your interpretation is critically essential to share since many philosophers whether Muslim or Non-Muslim think that the greatest proof for God is the Argument from Contingency...it is explained in this link below aired just two months ago by the Islamic scholar Shaykh Hamza Karamali and Shaykh Karamali refers to As-Samad meaning "besought by all"...and thus whom all are dependent on as one of the key verses in the Quran referring to this particular proof for the existence of God.
Please see this illuminating and iman boosting talk when you can in the link here:
Shaykh Karamali explains clearly and simply in the link above how an infinite regress is impossible when dealing with dependencies without one supplying what is needed to all the elements in the chain.
So, thanks for highlighting the point that Shaykh Karamali is making with your rendering....
Since the proof of the existence of God is so paramount, if you have time in your book, brother Munir, please consider to include this explanation to support the rendering in your book that you do for B/B' in terms of As-Samad as how Allah is needed by every thing while He needs nothing.
Jazakallah khair,
Omer Abid, MD, MPH
Salam Brother Munir,
Please also see this....
This above youtube segment goes well with the theme of ring structure with regards to Surah Ikhlas
Walaikum As'salam, interesting stuff. I had noticed before that there was only one kasrah in the Surah, but I didn't know what to think of it.