Sūrat al-Isrā' (Part 1)
Part 1 of observations on the organization and structure of Sūrat al-Isrā'
Sūrat al-Isrā’ (The Night Journey) is said to have been revealed at the end of the Makkan period based on its reference to the miraculous night journey the Messenger ﷺ went on to Jerusalem and then to the Heavens to receive the gift of the five daily prayers.
It appears that on a macro level the sūrah can be organized into a mirror structure.
Before delving into the connections of the macro structure, let us look at the micro structure found within each of these individual parts. This will help us appreciate the contents of the sūrah which will in turn allow us to better understand the macro connections.
Section [A] – Praise, messengers, and revelation (1-3) can be shown to be its own individual mirror structure.
[A1]/[A1’] – Just as Allah ﷻ took His ʿabd (slave), the Messenger Muḥammad ﷺ, on a miraculous journey over land and skies, He likewise took His ‘abd, Prophet Nūh, on a miraculous journey over the water.
[A2]/[A2’] – The One who shows us His miraculous signs and is “All-Hearing” and “All-Seeing” is the only One worthy of being entrusted with all our affairs.
[A3]/[A3’] – It is by virtue of being given “the Book” that Moses is worthy and able to act as a guide for the Children of Israel.
We’ll continue in Part 2 next week.
Baarakallahu fiikum. I'll be waiting the ring for verse 22-39. I feel there is a ring composition as well
Love this chapter 💕